A/C Info
Home Up York diagram Tecumseh diagram 4Cyl.2300 V-6 2800 V-8 302


York diagram
Tecumseh diagram
V-6 2800
V-8 302

This page is to help you if you are having problems with your A/C system. It give's you links to other sites that can help plus a exploded diagrams of the compressors that I needed when I had a leak and wanted to see what I was dealing with when I had a leaking gasket. The two compressors are fairly similar with the bottom cover being the only real difference ; the York is square and Tecumseh is round.


I've also added diagrams showing the A/C and Heater hose routing and parts for the 4,6 and 8cyl engines.Click on the link you need

A/C Link's


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